23 April, 30 April, 14 May, 21 May all 09:00-11:30am
These training sessions are for brushing off those winter cobwebs and getting out on the water. The sessions will be structured including a shore side introduction and briefing, and on the water and shore activities. The aim is to build confidence and sailing skills on the water. Where numbers allow, groups are split into ability levels.
They are led by the Chief Instructor, volunteer member instructors and supported by the parents/guardians of the youth attending. Parents/guardians in support assist with rigging/de-rigging and the launching and recovery of boats. Those parents/guardians that have the qualifications and/or experience to, will assist with roles such as shore side vhf support, powerboat helms/crews. There are also options to qualify helper parents/guardians.
It is open to youth members and the April sessions are also open to youth non-members.
Each session is £5 for members, £15 for non-members. Club boat hire is £5.