Medway Sonatas ~ Race Report – 24 June.

It was a glorious start to the day on Kent’s Costa del Lodo, but the blue skies were quickly filled with inquisitive clouds come to feast on the rare sight of Richard in shorts and a t-shirt. Protracted discussions were held on the choice of route, at first it was decided on 65, but there were concerns this was too short, so it was extended down to Autumn, a curious choice given the lack of wind. As we headed down to the jetty the crew of Screwloose had concerns about the logistics of leaving the jetty, as we prepared the boat the wind dropped even further, if that was possible. The unavoidable delay was sounded as we watched the Dragons demonstrate the art of floating sideways. Watersong did manage to make some painful progress against the tide, but this didn’t last, the general consensus of those on the jetty was that Richard had stopped talking. As we discussed boat modifications with Munchkin a second delay was agreed upon, we watched the nonchalant crew of Watersong float backwards past the jetty. Screwloose’s regret of unfurling the main was confirmed as the day’s racing was inevitably cancelled. The results: a first for Watersong for foolish enthusiasm, joint second for Screwloose and Munchkin for best scrubbed boats on the jetty. We returned to our moorings and then headed to the bar to enjoy a hard earned beer and cake.