The Laser is a single-handed racing dinghy. It is a one-design class and an Olympic class for both male and female sailors. Lasers are one of the most popular sailing classes in the World combining three different rigs: Standard, Radial and 4.7 Thanks to this flexibility real beginners can approach this versatile dinghy, starting on the smaller 4.7 and moving up in rig size as they grow in strength and ability.
Laser is also a popular progression boat with young sailors moving up from Toppers or Picos. It is a really fun boat, quick and responsive in all the wind conditions.
Here at MYC we have a Laser Team which trains regularly throughout the year. The Club owns a good fleet of Lasers so new members are always welcome to try and start sailing with our boats! The Laser is ideally suited to river racing as it is fast, responsive and agile enough to respond to wind shifts.
Lasers race on Saturday afternoons with the squad training on Sunday mornings
If you would like to have more information about our Club opportunities, please come to the Club and have a chat with us or email our Training Principal.