RSME training, Wednesdays 12:30 – 16:00 on all Wednesdays from 26 Apr to 25 Oct excluding the Sapper games week of 5th July. This training is provided to the Royal Engineers as part of our long-standing partnership of sail training provision to their trainees.
RSME training, Wednesdays 12:30 – 16:00 on all Wednesdays from 26 Apr to 25 Oct excluding the Sapper games week of 5th July. This training is provided to the Royal Engineers as part of our long-standing partnership of sail training provision to their trainees.
Wayfarer owners will be on hand to take members out to gain experience, answer questions and generally support your sailing needs. Cost: FREE. Cast off from the Pontoon will be 10:00am. Please contact the office to put your name down for one of our sessions.
Dragon owners will be on hand to take members out to gain experience, answer questions and generally support your sailing needs. Cost: FREE. Cast off from the Pontoon will be 10:00am. Please contact the office to put your name down for one of our sessions.
For our younger members, come and have fun, gain confidence, meet new friends, and learn how to sail. Please contact the office to put your name down for one of our sessions and for prices.
RSME training, Wednesdays 12:30 – 16:00 on all Wednesdays from 26 Apr to 25 Oct excluding the Sapper games week of 5th July. This training is provided to the Royal Engineers as part of our long-standing partnership of sail training provision to their trainees.
For our younger members, come and have fun, gain confidence, meet new friends, and learn how to sail. Please contact the office to put your name down for one of our sessions and for prices
RSME training, Wednesdays 12:30 – 16:00 on all Wednesdays from 26 Apr to 25 Oct excluding the Sapper games week of 5th July. This training is provided to the Royal Engineers as part of our long-standing partnership of sail training provision to their trainees.
Safety Boat Training Sat 23rd & Sun 24th Sept (£205 ~ Members / £275 non-Members) This two-day course provides the skills required when acting as an escort craft, safety boat or coach boat for a fleet of dinghies, windsurfers or canoes, or for racing or training activities. It includes rescue techniques and elements of race […]
Squib owners will be on hand to take members out to gain experience, answer questions and generally support your sailing needs. Cost: FREE. Cast off from the Pontoon will be 10:00am. Please contact the office to put your name down for one of our sessions.
For our younger members, come and have fun, gain confidence, meet new friends, and learn how to sail. Please contact the office to put your name down for one of our sessions and for prices.
Contact the club office for pricing and to book. Powerboat Level 2 Pre-course experience None. May be preceded by Level 1 Start Powerboating Assumed Knowledge None Course content All you need to know for self-sufficient powerboating at a basic level. Course includes launching, mooring, anchoring and recovery plus all the boat driving skills required for […]
RSME training, Wednesdays 12:30 – 16:00 on all Wednesdays from 26 Apr to 25 Oct excluding the Sapper games week of 5th July. This training is provided to the Royal Engineers as part of our long-standing partnership of sail training provision to their trainees.
For our younger members, come and have fun, gain confidence, meet new friends, and learn how to sail. Please contact the office to put your name down for one of our sessions and for prices.