
Medway Yacht Club has some 200 all tide moorings for members boats (subject to availability). Most of these are conventional swinging moorings but 45 are fore and aft.

The moorings are spaced to allow for different sizes of boats with the most popular being for sailing craft up to 10.5m. A limited number of swinging moorings can take yachts up to 13m. Fore and Aft berths can accommodate sailing and motor boats up to 11m in length.

Unfortunately we cannot accommodate motor boats on swinging moorings.

When you take a mooring at Medway Yacht Club you have very little to do other than provide the lines from your boat to the buoy.

The mooring itself is fully maintained by the club’s contractors. We have a rolling programme of inspection of mooring components with risers, shackles and swivels renewed on a 4 yearly cycle.

This work is normally carried out in the winter when most moorings are vacant.


Visitors Moorings

While we do not have any dedicated visitors’ moorings we do ask members who are going to be leaving their moorings for a period to inform the office when they are away so their mooring can be used by a visitor. If you plan to visit us it is always best to call the office well in advance to book a space on 01634 718399. If you arrive at the weekend call the trot boat on Ch37, call sign “Invicta” and you will be directed to an available mooring. During the week call the office.

How do I get a mooring?

Once you have become a member of the club you are eligible to have a mooring, subject to availability and club rules. Contact the office to check on whether there is a mooring suitable for your boat. We can normally accommodate most boats, but we do have limited numbers for larger boats. The moorings nearer to the club are obviously the most convenient so tend to be full. You will probably end up on one of the more distant moorings but the trot boat makes short work of the longer trip to your boat.
Initially you may have to take a fore and aft berth if no swinging mooring is available. However members can apply to be entered on a short waiting list to move to a different mooring.

How much does it cost?

There are a number of standard charges that are the same for every mooring but the cost of the mooring itself varies on a sliding scale proportional to the size of the boat it can take.

Please see the fee list under our Join tab. 

Application Form