
If you are interested in doing a Powerboating course or keen to learn more about then look no further. We are running the following courses throughout the year.


  • Level 2 Powerboat Handling Course
  • Safety Boat Course

RYA Level 2 Powerboat Handling

The aim of this two-day course is to introduce powerboat handling. The course will cover all subjects as detailed in the RYA Syllabus, and includes boat handling under way, anchoring and man overboard. 

Bookings / Available

RYA Safety Boat

The aim of this course is to provide all the skills and background knowledge required to act as a safety boat for a fleet of small craft. Powerboat Level 2 is a prerequisite for this course.

Bookings / Available

Personal Training

Monday to Thursday. (Depending on Availability) To find out availability email training@medwayyachtclub.com

Friday Mornings/Afternoons.

Timings:  Morning Session 09:30am – 12:30pm / Afternoon Session 13:30pm – 16:30pm

Prices:  £20 Per Hour.  

If you are unable to attend a course or prefer the focused guidance that personal tuition provides, we can arrange lessons tailored to your specific requirements. To ensure they possess a perfect combination of coaching ability, personal expertise, technical understanding, and compassion to the session.
