Sailing News
Discover Sailing – Open Days 8th & 23rd June 2024.
Wednesday Evening Race Series
Wednesday racing is open to members and non-members subject to completing the entry form and paying of the entry fee. Both are to be lodged with the MYC office prior to racing. The entry fees are £30 for the two series or £5 per race. Racing is open to: Cruisers,...
Yacht Club Boating & Site Operative (Bosun Assistant)
Cruiser class spring series race report 4
Finally, summer arrived for race 4 on Sunday 12th May when 7 yachts started jostling for position at Upnor Line for a 10 am race start. The wind was light easterly 6-7 knots with no increase forecast and with low water 1020 it was going to be difficult for the slower...
Medway Sonatas Spring series Race 3 report
Snotty race report May 11th Race 3 of the early spring series saw racers greeted with fine spring weather, sunny (ish), warm enough for Richard to lose one of the many layers for another guest appearance on Munchkin. A very strong spring tide flooding for most of the...
Medway Keelboat Regatta Sponsored by Holdfast – 13th and 14th July 2024
Book now by clicking here - booking form
Medway Sonatas – Series 1: Race 2: Thistle do very nicely thank you…..
Early in the day we had little to no wind and little promise of it building – well Wind-Guru, you can’t always be right. Turns out by kick-off we had a steady breeze – but cold, very cold. Course 45 was chosen due to said predominantly easterly – come - Sou’ easterly...
Race Report – Squib Class 4th May 2024
Ups and Downs at MYC Compared to last week, the temperature was up, the greyness down and the wind a little down. The tide was going down instead of up, and spinnakers were deemed acceptable to go up and down. The wind direction was the same so it was W/L where ever...
Wayfarers race report Saturday 4th May 2024
Wayfarer race report Saturday 4th May 2024.The forecast was for NE 8-15 kn, due to weaken in the afternoon . High water (HW) was at 10:15 , and HM (high mud) at 16:34. So, similar air but opposite water to the previous race. Course 70 was decided in consultation with...
Sonata Race Report – Saturday 27th April 2024
If your palette of choice leans towards grey, today was the day for you. Thankfully, despite the gloomy skies, we were spared the rain. The water was a mix of greys and browns, the sort of consistency any Thames Water customer knows well. Six boats: Cry Havoc, Blue...
RYA SRC Marine Radio Course and Exam ~ Tuesday 28th May 2024
9am-6.30pm including the exam (2hours). This one-day practical assessment course is for anyone who owns a fixed or handheld VHF. The Short Range Certificate is the minimum qualification required by law. A COURSE AND EXAM FOR ANYONE WHO OWNS A FIXED OR HANDHELD MARINE...
Sail Training Opportunities
RYA Courses Medway Yacht Club is an recognised RYA Training Centre, Medway Yacht Club will provide a range of formal courses that lead to internationally recognised RYA qualifications. We will deliver courses in both the RYA National Sailing Scheme (for adults and...